The Philosophy of History:
Exploring Creation & History
Mission Statement -
Our Creation History Museum:
CS Lewis' "Mere Christianity" Audio (Great introduction to Christianity)
What about Philosophy? Why is it important?
Faith Under Fire: Part 1 (Supernatural?)
Faith Under Fire: Part 2 (Creation?)
Faith Under Fire: Part 3 (Jesus?)
Faith Under Fire: Part 4 (The Bible?)
Faith Under Fire: Part 5 (Other religions?)
Faith Under Fire: Part 6: (Why does God allow Suffering?)
Public education & Academic Freedom
Intelligent Design Today
Gary Habermas: The historical truth of the Resurrection
Is Jesus truly unique?
Prophecy and Jesus?
What is the cause of the universe?
Is the universe fine-tuned?
What does Physics prove?
What does DNA prove?
What does the Fossil Record prove?
Math points towards God?
Genetics - Adam/Eve, populational statistics, etc.
The Arts and Christianity (please visit our gallery)
Noah's FLOOD vs Geology and the Tower of Babel?
Noah's Flood: Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
Noah's Flood: Hyrdroplate Theory
The Tower of Babel and Race?
After the Flood (Great book on the Table of Nations)
How to talk to a skeptic?
Biblical Archaeology Site - TONS of information
Debate #1 - Theism vs. Atheism
Debate # 2 - Why Christianity vs. Not?
Debate # 3 - Theism vs. Humanism
Debate # 4 - Resurrection of Christ did Happen vs. Did Not
Debate # 5 - Christianity vs. Islam
Debate #6 - Creationist vs. 3 professors
Debate #7: Is Young-earth Creationism credible?
Creationism Revisited: 2020 (PDF)
The Dangers of Secularism?
The Persecuted Church yesterday/today/tomorrow:
GENESIS Apologetics (great site/app)
Creation Store: Books, DVDs & More
What Can You Do with Public Schools?
Francis Schaeffer Studies (great site)
RZIM - Apologetics News and Resources
Is the Bible Inerrant?
Intelligent Design NEWS (updated regularly)
Old-earth Creationism NEWS
Young-earth Creationism NEWS
Creation History and Age of the Earth?