The Philosophy of History:
Exploring Creation & History

The Christ Jesus loves all people unconditionally

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  *A great site for Muslim Brothers/Sisters to visit:

**We must remember to first and foremost pray for our Muslim friends, and remember that in almost every country that is under Sharia (Muslim) control; they are not allowed to read or study any other religion.  While many Sunni Muslims are peaceful and loving individuals, more and more influence and leadership roles are being filled by the ever increasing terrorist groups of, but not limited to:  All Wahhabism, The Islamic Brotherhood, Al Quaida, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc., are a grave threat to global security and human rights.  And let us remember, even though most Germans were not Nazis during the WW2 era, this did not stop the Nazis from taking over supreme control of Europe and bring war to the world. 

Anyone telling about another religion in a country under Sharia law, are subject to the death penalty.  It is sad that if these countries had nothing to fear, then they would allow their people freedom of religion, but they know that once someone had the freedom to study religion, that they would find that Islam had many holes, and that Christianity fills those holes; so please pray for at least these countries to have the freedom of choice, to study religion without the fear of persecution.  (please visit  or for more info and to request a free book and newsletter)

More than this - Christians can learn from their often watered down form of Christianity, from the discipline of many Muslims.  Eastern Christians and Muslims take their religion must more serious than do many western Christians today, and we would do well to note this, and remember to give God the dedication that God deserves.  While many historians feel that Islam started as a hybrid of early Eastern Christianity, it soon broke ties a few hundred years after Mohammed, and completely went it's own direction; and has drifted further away from their original roots, (which were very similar to that of early Eastern Christianity).

Please Review the Below Videos: